December 1, 2014
Witness Takes UFO Photo 35
Storeys Up Over Toronto Canada

Witness originally thought she was
seeing the crescent moon but later realized it was a massive UFO.
Witness: “While
cooking dinner 35 stories above ground in east York Toronto I gazed out the
window. I saw what appeared to be the hugest red crescent moon I've ever seen.”
“I took a picture, messaged my brother and as I watched it started to fade away. The left (south) side fading first until just a red 'tip' on the north side was visible. It was the last part to fade to black.”
“I took a picture, messaged my brother and as I watched it started to fade away. The left (south) side fading first until just a red 'tip' on the north side was visible. It was the last part to fade to black.”

“My apartment
faces due west and due to the height I can see all the way to Mississauga on a
clear night like tonight. I could see the clouds but it definitely wasn't cloud
cover blocking the glow.”
“Then I realized at this time of night the moon should be in the east or overhead, not west and hovering on the horizon.”
“This thing was massive. I could see it on either side of various apartment buildings on the horizon. It appeared to be more than a km or 2 wide (perhaps more). And it was a reddish orange color.”
“It steadily faded, no flickering or flashing. It truly looked like an eclipsing planet. I was transfixed by it. I couldn't walk away in case I missed it. Only looked away for quick texts to my brother hoping he could see what I was seeing.” Mufon case 61705.
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