Date: September 20, 1966
Location: NEar Sebring, Florida, USA
Source: NICAP (National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),

A Winter Haven, Florida, private pilot reported he fled from a giant
cone-shaped UFO which kept his plane in shadow for about three minutes on the
morning of September 20, 1966. James J. O'Connor, a former Army investigator,
was flying at 9500 feet in a small private plane near Sebring, Florida about 10
a.m. (EST) when he noticed what appeared to be a delta-shaped object above him.
Curious, he climbed toward the object, but leveled off about 10,000 feet
because he had no oxygen equipment. Then the UFO began increasing in size,
apparently descending toward his plane and pacing him.
O'Connor was somewhat unnerved, but "more curious than frightened."
He timed the descent of the UFO at 37 seconds. The object made a
"singing" noise like automobile tires on a wet pavement. When his
plane was completely in the shadow of the object for several minutes and it
continued to follow him, O'Connor became apprehensive. He pulled his plane up,
reduced power and stalled out, diving as fast as he could without putting undue
strain on his small plane. He dropped to 3500 feet before looking up again.
"That's when I was frightened," he later reported. "That thing
had not changed in size at all, but was still with me and pacing me. It was
still as big as a football field."
Briefly O'Connor thought of shooting at the UFO with a .38 special he kept in
the cockpit, but about that time the object appeared to change shape to a
wedge, then a thin line, and then vanished. "I realized it was
climbing," O'Connor said, "doing a reverse peel-off in a 360 degree
turn. We don't have an aircraft that could do this I think. It was more like
the thing was falling ‘up’.”
O'Connor estimated that the UFO followed him for 17 minutes. The sighting was
in bright daylight with a clear sky and only a few alto-cirrus clouds high
above. When he noticed the object overhead,- O'Connor opened his canopy and
looked straight up at it. He was flying VFR from Winter Haven to Miami at the
time. When the UFO broke off the pursuit and climbed away, O'Connor got a view
of the underside of a cone, point upwards.

Petitioning President Barack Obama
This petition will be delivered to:
Barack Obama
Disclose UFO/Alien related documents to the public. Also hold a hearing on the Disclosure of this Information.
This Petition can be signed by any citizen of the world.
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