Cahill Alien Abduction
By Billy Booth
In August 1993, 27-year-old Kelly
Cahill, her husband and three children were driving home after a visit to a
friend's house. Their routine journey would soon become a harrowing trip into
an unknown world of strange beings that occupied space but were void of color
as we know it. The Dandenong foothills, near Belgrave, Victoria, Australia
would have its location forever linked to one of the most unusual sightings of
a strange creature in Ufology archives.
After midnight, the Cahills were on their
journey home when they first noticed the lights of a rounded craft with windows
around it. It silently hovered above the road. Different colored lights were
clearly visible on the bottom of the object. The UFO was so close to the ground
that Kelly thought she could see people through the window openings. As she
began screaming to her husband what she was seeing, the craft zoomed off to
their left, disappearing as quickly as it had made itself known.
Continuing their drive home with a
renewed interest in the sky, they suddenly came upon a light so bright they
were practically blinded. Shading her eyes from the intense light with her
hands over her eyes, Kelly begged of her husband, "What are you going to
do?" Her husband, now frightened to death by the glowing presence before
them, replied, "I am going to keep on driving." Within what seemed
only a second or two, Kelly was now very relaxed, suddenly calmed by the
absence of the UFO.
The first words out of Kelly's mouth
were, "What happened, did I blackout?" Her husband said nothing, as
he had no answer to give his wife. He cautiously drove his family home. Upon
their safe arrival Kelly could smell a foul odor, like vomit, and she suddenly
felt as though something was missing from their drive home. Something was
missing... an hour or so of time had vanished from her and her family's life.
Mark on Navel:
That night as Kelly undressed for bed,
she noticed a strange triangular mark on her navel-a mark she had never seen
before. It must have been created early this every night. But how? And why? And
most importantly, by whom? Kelly suffered from general malaise for the next two
weeks, and was taken to the hospital on two occasions, one for severe stomach
pain, and another for a uterine infection.
Toward a Giant Craft:
Kelly would recall the object they had
seen in a slightly different place than she first remembered. It was hovering
in a gully, and the UFO was big. She estimated it at 150 feet in diameter. She
could also recall that when the object was first spotted, her husband had
stopped the car, and both her and her husband had gotten out of the vehicle,
and walked in the direction of the massive craft.
Having a Soul":
To their surprise, they noticed
another car stopped on the side of the road. As they walked toward the craft,
they saw a creature unlike either of them had ever seen before. It was black,
not a black color but black as if all matter was removed where its presence
was. Kelly would later describe it as "not having a soul." Kelly's
words for the alien were "void of color." The black alien entity was
taller than an average man, about 7 feet tall, according to Kelly.
Moved Effortlessly:
After being mesmerized by the sight of
the being, she saw more of them. "Heaps of them" is how Kelly
described them as she stared into the open field. The aliens were out there in
the field, beneath the immense flying craft. The beings seemed to congregate in
small groups, and one group glided toward Kelly and her husband, covering a
hundred yards in a mere few seconds. Another group was approaching the other
car which sat motionless near the hovering craft.
Family Abducted:
Her great fear and dread would cause
her to scream at the alien-looking entities to leave them alone. She remembered
going unconscious, and then... she was back in their car. As strange as this
encounter seems, it was not without corroboration. The occupants in the other
car would come forward and tell almost an exact story, a story of abduction,
mind control, and embarrassing medical procedures.
particular case is the only one to my knowledge to describe such a being,
although there are some very strange aliens described in various accounts. We
have no reason to discount the Cahill account, and it remains one of the best
cases of alien abduction on record.

Petitioning President Barack Obama
This petition will be delivered to:
Barack Obama
Disclose UFO/Alien related documents to the public. Also hold a hearing on the Disclosure of this Information.
This Petition can be signed by any citizen of the world.
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