1975-TheTravis Walton Abduction
By Billy Booth
The Travis
Walton abduction is one of the most controversial cases in Ufology, yet one of
the most compelling. The events of Walton's abduction began on November 5,
1975, in the Arizona, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Walton was one of a
seven man crew that was clearing trees on a government contract. After the end
of the work day, all of the crew jumped into foreman Mike Roger's pick-up truck
and began their trip home. As they drove, they were shocked to see by the side
of the road, a "luminous object, shaped like a flattened disc."
Blue Beam Hits Walton:
still young and fearless, was enthralled by the object's presence, and left the
truck to get a better look, against the better wishes of his crew mates. As he
gazed up at the wonder of the object, a blue beam hit him, throwing him to the
earth. Creating fear in the six other men, they roared away in the truck for a
distance, but then, realizing they had left Travis behind and he might need
help, they turned the truck around and headed back to find him. Walton was
Police Notified:
The men left
the scene and returned to the small town of Snowflake, where they made a report
to the police. They first talked to Deputy Ellison and then Sheriff Marlin
Gillespie, who stated that the men were sincerely distressed. The policemen and
the crew members went back to the scene with flashlights, and searched for
Travis again, but again without results. They decided to come back the next
morning and search again with the aid of daylight. Little did any of the
members of the search know they were to be players in one of the largest
manhunts in Arizona history.
Manhunt Begins:
Very soon,
the case would break into the national media. The small town in Arizona would
be literally overrun by researchers, newspaper writers, UFO buffs, and other
interested individuals. After several days of using men on foot, men in
four-wheel drive vehicles, scent dogs, and even helicopters, no sign of Walton
was found. Temperatures dropped rapidly at night, and there was fear that
Walton, injured by the beam and lying somewhere disoriented, would not survive.
Finally, law enforcement began to follow another line of investigation, and a
possible motive for murder.
Was Crazy Story True?:
that there might be bad blood between Travis and another crew member, law
enforcement began to evaluate the credibility of the men involved in the
clearing contract. Finally yielging to demands to take polygraph examinations,
all of the men passed the test, except for one inconclusive, that being Allen
Dalis. Police personnel, after background checks, and interviews with the men,
decided that there was no cause to believe that the men were covering up a
fight or even murder. Ruling out foul play, that only left one possibility. Was
it possible that the crazy story the men were telling was true?
Walton is Returned:
As rumors
ran rampant, and theories were discussed back and forth, five days after his
disappearance, Travis Walton returned. Travis stated: "Consciousness
returned to me on the night I awoke to find myself on the cold pavement west of
Heber, Arizona. I was lying on my stomach, my head on my right forearm. Cold
air brought me instantly awake." He was rescued from a small filling
station, hungry, thirsty, dirty, weak, and feeble. He was taken for a medical
examination. Now that some questions had been answered, another one was
created, "Where had Walton been for the last 5 days?"
Walton Recalls Abduction:
Travis would
later tell investigators that the very last thing he could recall was the
feeling of being thrown backward in the forest. After that, nothing... nothing
that is until he awoke frozen in pain, and thirsty. Finally, he could make out
an image of some kind of light, and then realizes that he is on a table like an
examining table in a hospital. Walton thought at first he had been found by the
crew and taken to the hospital.
Three Horrible Creatures:
assumption was far from the truth. He is lying on a table, but it is a table in
a strange room. Finally able to clear his vision, he would be utterly shocked
to see a horrible creature! Three horrible beings were in the room with him,
looking at him. He tried to lunge at one and push it away. When he did, the
creature went flying across the room. He would see several different types of
aliens during his time aboard what must have been the flying object that had
thrown the blue beam at him in the forest. Travis would be subjected to
numerous medical procedures during his stay on the UFO.
Although the Betty and Barney Hill abduction had
occurred in 1961, and the Pascagoula, Mississippi abduction in
1973, the Travis Walton case was the first to be given serious interest by main
stream science, and caused many non-believers to rethink their position on
alien abduction. Although many theories have been put forth to explain the
Walton abduction as something other than what it is, none of the alleged
scenarios are consistent with the facts of the case.
Walton's Statement:
"It was many years ago that I
got out of a crew truck in the national forest and ran toward a large glowing
UFO hovering in the darkening Arizona sky. But when I made that fateful choice
to leave the truck, I was leaving behind more than just my six fellow workmen.
I was leaving behind forever all semblance of a normal life, running headlong
toward an experience so overwhelmingly mind-rending in it's effects, so
devastating in its aftermath, that my life would never-could never-be the same
again." (Travis Walton)

Petitioning President Barack Obama
This petition will be delivered to:
Barack Obama
Disclose UFO/Alien related documents to the public. Also hold a hearing on the Disclosure of this Information.
This Petition can be signed by any citizen of the world.
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