1968-The Buff Ledge Alien Abductions
A valid account of the alien abduction
of two teenage counselors comes to us from the state of Vermont. Four UFOs
would appear in daylight over the lake of Buff Ledge Camp, making baffling
maneuvers with the lightness of a falling leaf. On August 7, 1968, the strange
encounter began for sixteen-year-old Michael Lapp, maintenance man for the
camp, and nineteen-year-old Janet Cornell, water ski instructor. The camp was
located north of Burlington on Lake Champlain. The two were taking a break on a
boat dock.
Bright Light Appears:
On a warm afternoon, the camp was
sparsely inhabited because the swimming team had gone to Burlington for a meet.
In the later part of the afternoon, Michael and Janet were simply enjoying the
view of the setting sun, when suddenly a bright light appeared. Was this light
an extraordinary view of Venus? Or something else? Their question would soon be
answered as the source of the light began to drop down toward the two friends.
Venus is Falling." :
As the object drew closer, the shape
became more clear-it was a saucer shape. Suddenly, Michael remarked, "Wow!
Venus is falling." But he knew better. The lone light now dropped three
smaller lights from it and they immediately soared over the lake. The larger
object soon disappeared from sight. It was obvious the objects were being
intelligently controlled. The UFOs seemed to perform for the two mesmerized
teenagers, doing zigzags, loops, and then would suddenly drop like a falling
Drops Into Lake:
Now, the three UFOs moved ever closer
to the two friends. The UFOs formed a triangle formation, and then two of them
pulled away, leaving just one out front. Later, Michael would recall hearing
something that sounded like "a thousand tuning forks" as the two
objects pulled back. The last UFO then passed right over them, shot upward and
briefly disappeared. Soon, it would reappear, tilted to one side, then drop
straight into the lake.
Small Beings on Craft:
After a time, it would emerge from the
lake, and then begin moving directly toward Michael and Janet. The UFO was so
close now that two beings could be seen through the transparent cupola of the
object. The beings appeared child-like. According to Michael, their necks were
elongated, they had big heads for their body size. They had no hair, but large
eyes which wrapped around the side of their heads. He thought that he was in
mental contact with the beings.
Shoots Beam:
For some odd reason, as Michael
watched the aliens, he slapped his knee. One alien did likewise. The UFO was
now directly over their heads, as it shot a beam at the two. Michael grabbed
Janet's shoulder and pulled back, landing both of them on the deck on their
backs. He then was terrified of being taken, and screamed, "We don't want
to go!" The next thing Michael recalled was sitting on the dock and gazing
at the object, which was now farther away from them. Janet seemed to just sit
in a trance. It was now totally dark.
Against Their Will:
Soon, they heard members of the swim
team talking as they made their way back into the camp. The UFO moved higher up
into the sky. It flashed its lights a number of times, and then disappeared.
Michael wondered, "How long have we been here?" Nothing would be said
about what happened that late afternoon. When summer camp ended, the two went
their separate ways. Michael rarely thought about his experience for the next
five years, but as time went by, he began to have disturbing dreams.
Hypnosis Employed:
Ten years after Michael's experience,
he decided to contact the Center for UFO Studies. He was referred to
investigator Walter Webb. After becoming familiar with the details of the case,
Webb suggested regressive hypnosis to relieve Michael's nightmares, and
hopefully regain his lost memories. The sessions brought back the events of the
late afternoon experience at Buff Ledge. But now, he recalled being lifted by a
beam into the waiting UFO, and going into a larger UFO. He also remembered
Janet lying on an examination table.
Description of the Aliens:
The beings shone a light into her
eyes, took skin samples, and fluids from her body. "The aliens all looked
alike, Michael recalled, and had those large eyes, a mouth without lips, no
ears, and two small openings for a nose." Michael also described the
beings as having three pointed, web-like digits for fingers, and their bodies
felt "damp and clammy." Michael recalls the aliens wanted life on our
planet to be like theirs, without violence.
Janet, now 29, would also be
regressed. Her recalled memories would only strengthen the case of alien
abduction. She recalled the "coldness" of the table. Something had
pulled her hair, and pinched her neck. There was no disharmony in Michael and
Janet's statements.
also conducted an investigation outside the boundaries of regressive hypnosis.
He was able to find other members of Buff Ledge that had witnessed strange
lights over Lake Champlain on the same night as Michael and Janet's abduction.
Two other members of the camp also claimed to have been abducted after seeing
strange lights, but earlier in the summer. Their names were not released. The
events at Buff Ledge camp are certainly proof of an alien abduction.

Petitioning President Barack Obama
This petition will be delivered to:
Barack Obama
Disclose UFO/Alien related documents to the public. Also hold a hearing on the Disclosure of this Information.
This Petition can be signed by any citizen of the world.
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