Posted: 01 Sep 2014 06:00 AM PDT
There has been a spike in the number of reported UFO sightings across the state over recent months, according to president of UFO Research Queensland Sheryl Gottschall, with the Gold Coast being a real "hot spot".
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"Saucer shape object photographed at Wooloowin on Brisbane's north side should be taken seriously" |
"We've had people calling from all over Queensland," Ms Gottschall said.
"There was a sighting on the Gold Coast on Friday night, Cairns last week and there was another sighting in Childers.
"We get about 100 calls a year and across Australia all up the UFO research groups get up to 800. That's just the reported sightings - a lot go unreported."
A Facebook page - Brisbane UFO Sightings - has been set up for people to post photos of UFOs taken over Brisbane and record their encounters.
One photograph reportedly taken over Wooloowin on May 23 shows a silver disc hovering in the sky.
There is also a letter from police dated July 18 in response to a call to investigate "three bright white lights hovering low" over homes in Wooloowin. The police concluded the lights were "presumed to be the result of EKKA lighting tests" but were of "unknown origin".
Ms Gottschall, who claims to have seen five UFOs and experienced one extraterrestrial "close encounter" in her lifetime, says there has been an ever increasing interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life, which has resulted in the formation of "skywatch" groups.
On Monday night, Ms Gottschall will attend a skywatch at Kurwongbah, just west of Brisbane, organised by Kristy Buist, founder of the Paranormal Awareness Community.
Ms Buist, a 35-year-old from Redcliffe, saw her first UFO aged 11, when a fleet of three flew over her primary school at Gunnedah, NSW. The flying objects were also seen by a teacher, who happens to be her step-father.
Since then, Ms Buist has experienced three more "definite" sightings.
"I do look for UFOs often. I look for them wherever I go," she said.
"There's always ifs and buts, but I've had four definite sightings in my lifetime."
Ms Buist described the fleet of UFOs she first saw as silent and "platinum and sort of shaped like diamonds just casually floating across the sky".
Monday's skywatch is the first Ms Buist has organised and she says there has been a lot of interest.
Participants will be on the watch for "unusual movement" in the night sky, including "classic" UFO moves such as bright lights travelling from one horizon to another in seconds or lights making sudden turns.
The Paranormal Awareness Community Skywatch is being held from 6.45pm at the Kurwongbah recreation area on Dayboro Road.
Any UFO sightings can be referred to UFO Research Queensland.
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