Posted: 03 Sep 2014 04:00 AM PDT
Rendlesham: Conference bids to
shed more light on Rendlesham’s ‘UFO’ It’s a mystery that has captured the
attention of both skeptics and believers for more than 30 years.

In two weeks’ time, a gathering
of witnesses, researchers and authors will attempt to shed new light on the
extraordinary series of events often described as “Britain’s very own Roswell”.
Among the guest speakers lined up
to appear at the Rendlesham Forest Incident Conference 2014, in Woodbridge,
later this month, are former US airmen John Burroughs and Larry Warren,
ex-detective and UFO Truth magazine founder Gary Heseltine, and Brooklyn-born
paranormal researcher Richard Dolan.
It is the third event of its kind
in recent years – following similar meetings in 2010 and 2012 – but promises to
expand on a mystery that, in the words of one speaker, “grows deeper by the
Accusations of a cover-up,
“double-speak” and obfuscation have only amplified in recent years, with
official explanations labelled by some as “nothing more than distraction from
the main events”.
Mr Burroughs was one of two
American servicemen, along with Jim Penniston, to first report encounters with
an unidentified craft in Suffolk woodland near the East Gate of RAF Woodbridge.
The retired sergeant will talk
about the persistent health problems which he attributes to his experiences in
the early hours of Boxing Day 1980, and the difficulties he has come up against
during his own investigations into the incident.
Mr Burroughs, who also plans to
revisit the site when he arrives from Arizona, recounts a declassified UK
intelligence study revealing that the Rendlesham Incident was an example where
it “might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) radiation.”
Mr Burroughs claims he has been
denied access to medical records he believes contain information that would
allow proper treatment for injuries sustained in the line of duty. He said:
“Does it really matter if the origin was extra-terrestrial in nature or covert
human military in nature?
“The effects, the reaction by the high command
and likely the principles of human physiology and high-frequency
electromagnetic pulse would be the same. Either would be big news and either
would be subject to an intense cover-up after the fact.
“It may not be an either/or
situation, rather it may be a case of both. Consider this: What if the intense
experimentation in high power electromagnetic weaponry attracted the attention
of an advanced intelligence, which showed up on the first night to investigate,
and that later nights were a deployment of our experimental capabilities as a
response, a test, or a decoy to complicate the history of the case?”
The Rendlesham Incident involved
a group of American servicemen who went into the forest to investigate
mysterious lights, since accredited to a variety of sources including the glow
of Orfordness Lighthouse, an elaborate hoax or a secret classified aircraft.
Mr Warren, a member of the US Air
Force Security Police stationed at the air base, who claims to have seen an
alien craft land on the third and final night of events, will also speak at the
conference, alongside UFO Truth magazine editor Mr Heseltine, a retired British
Transport Police detective constable who also set up a database for police UFO
sighting reports.
They will be joined by author and
researcher Mr Dolan, whose presentation on the night will be entitled Global
Military Encounters with UFOs: What It Means for Our Civilization. He will also
touch on the Rendlesham Forest Incident, which he said was “among a handful of
the most significant UFO events of the past half century or more”.
He added: “There is good military
documentation confirming that something very odd took place.
“There are an exceptionally large
number of credible witnesses who have provided details on what happened.
“It shows evidence of great
military interest in UFOs, and just as great an interest in intimidating
military personnel to keep quiet about it, and also to maintain absolute secrecy
about the entire matter.
“It suggests an interest by
‘other’ intelligences in our nuclear technology, and perhaps knowledge of our
“The science behind the events
described appears to be revolutionary and would transform our world if revealed.”
Mr Dolan said that, even among
serious researchers, there existed differences of opinion as to what really
happened. “Part of the reason for this is because the information on the series
of events has come out very slowly for over 30 years,” he added.
“Every time researchers think
they have a more or less complete picture, new information, and even new
witnesses, come forward. The story has grown in both information and complexity
over time.
“The most fundamental reason,
however, for the lack of a ‘conclusive’ explanation is simple. Our official
government agencies continue to deny that anything of significance occurred,
and continue to hide information behind laws concerning secrecy and national
“Barring definitive proof, all
conclusions must be provisional. Having said that, my own research leads me to
conclude at present that a highly extraordinary series of events took place.
There is nothing to indicate that this was the result of secret US or UK
technology, nor that it was the result of misidentification of natural
phenomena. Nor that this was a hoax of some sort.
“What appears to have happened is
that somebody’s advanced technology was present at that time. It would also
appear that they had an interest in our nuclear technology – a recurring theme
among UFO-military encounters.
“We seem to be under observation
by ‘other’ intelligences. Moving beyond that into the particulars of what or
who they are is not something I care to speculate about.” Conference organiser
Gordy Goodger said the event will be the first time that Mr Burroughs will
publicly present his experiences in the UK.
He said: “Whatever John and other
witnesses were exposed to during those three nights, it has been deemed necessary
to shroud in secrecy and official denial to this day. Only those who were there
over those three nights saw what happened.
“Dozens of US military personnel
saw something, either in the forest or at locations around the twin bases, at
one time or other over the nights in question. There were also several UK
civilian witnesses.”
The Rendlesham Forest Incident
Conference 2014 takes place at Woodbridge Community Hall on September 20.
For more information and to
reserve your ticket, visit
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