Object Drops from Sky, Stops Dead in Florida: Pictures Taken
1:17 PM 6/13/2015

... object
drop(ped) out of the sky and stopped dead.
Florida - 05-30-15
I was
walking my dog and was walking easy. She started acting very scared and tried
to run for home. I looked around to see if something spooked her.
I looked up
and saw this object drop out of the sky and stopped dead, it didn't slow down.
It just stopped and hovered about 500 feet away from me, and about 700 feet
from me, and hovering about 3 buildings from my home.
I didn't
hear anything, smell anything, I did however feel a buzz-like sensation. I
honestly thought something was going to happen to me, my adrenaline was pumping
hard and it took everything in me not to run and stand as still as possible.
This is not
me, I am a very curious person and want to figure out any mystery that I come
across. It has served me well many of times, but has also been a disservice at
times. I thought I was going to get abducted, hurt or God forbid; killed.
After a few
(seemingly) seconds I remembered I had my phone on me and went to grab it.
However, I noticed the phone (Moto G) was very, very slow (also not typical, I
pride myself on keeping my computers and such in optimal running condition),
after a few seconds I got the camera app running and snapped a few pictures;
after the 4th or 5th, the phone shut off and over heated.
The vessel
then out of nowhere, shot west towards the Gulf of Mexico. I didn't see it
after then. The dog calmed down and looked at me like if she was saying (can we
go the hell home now?), and we run home.
I get home
and my wife asks me where have I been. She says I was gone for almost a half an
hour. I don't think I was abducted, I think I got so lost in the moment that I
lost track of time.
I tried to
get my phone back on, but she wouldn't boot. I opened the back up and the
battery was hot as hell. The battery shorted out. (No I don't have it, lithium
ion batteries can burn skin if they rupture). I got a new battery and it booted
up and saw the pictures.
I showed my
wife and son and they both believe it was a unmanned drone. I don't believe it
is a drone. I am a huge fan of aircraft and know every make, model, shape and
size of all human made craft. This was not in any category of craft that I know
And on top
of that, all human craft make noise because of the motors.

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