Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe
Flight 117 was cruising
over Indiana
when the strange glowing object loomed up out of the black sky.
Here's what happened when the airliner gave chase.
when the strange glowing object loomed up out of the black sky.
Here's what happened when the airliner gave chase.
Airborne photo over
Richmond, Ind., was taken by
military photographer Maj. Leo N. Brubaker on May 24, 1954.
Sent to Project Blue Book for evaluation,
gleaming light was said to be sun's reflection off ice crystals.
Project Blue Book - USAF photo
military photographer Maj. Leo N. Brubaker on May 24, 1954.
Sent to Project Blue Book for evaluation,
gleaming light was said to be sun's reflection off ice crystals.
Project Blue Book - USAF photo
Flight 117 was ninety miles east of
Chicago when Captain Robert F. Manning saw the mysterious light.
It was the night of April 27, 1950. The
time was 8:25 p.m. Cruising at 2,000 feet, the Trans World Air Lines DC-3
droned westward over Goshen, Indiana. In the left-hand seat, handling the
controls, was Captain Robert Adickes, stocky ex-Navy pilot with ten years'
service in TWA. Manning, taller, blond, quiet-voiced, was also a four-stripe
captain, but on this particular flight he was in the right-hand seat, serving
as first officer, or copilot.
"We've sighted
strange object off starboard wing."
Capt. Robert Adickes told Chicago over radio.
Disc appeared near South Bend, plane gave chase,
only to lose it minutes later.
Wide World Photo
Manning glanced out from the shadowy
cockpit. Twenty-five miles ahead, South Bend was a spreading glow in the
darkness. Clouds massed at 4,000 feet made a black sky overhead. He looked back
to the right to where Elkhart lay some six miles to the north.
It was a familiar routine, picking out
Elkhart. He had once lived there and the sight brought pleasant memories.
Suddenly a strange red light moving
swiftly near the horizon caught Captain Manning's eye. It was coming toward the
air liner, climbing up on the right, from a point some miles behind.
Puzzled, he watched it close in. This was
no wingtip light - the strange red light was too bright. With growing
astonishment, he saw that the light was increasing in size. Whatever it was,
this was no conventional aircraft.
The DC-3 was cruising at 175 miles an
hour, but the mysterious glowing object was overtaking it rapidly. It was now
an orange-red color, like a round blob of hot metal sweeping through the night
sky. Craning his neck, Manning looked down on a spherical shape, glowing
brightly on top, the lower part in shadow.
For a second, he half doubted his senses.
He had heard Flying Saucer reports from other air-line pilots, but this was
almost fantastic. He swung around to Adickes.
"Look over here. What do you make of
Captain Adickes turned. Startled, he
raised up and gazed through the starboard window. The thing was still climbing,
not quite at the air liner's level. Over the top, he could see scattered ground
lights, and below it, car lights on a highway. He could only guess at its size,
but it looked to be at least twenty feet in diameter, probably closer to fifty.
The two pilots stared at each other, then
Adickes reached for his mike and called TWA at Chicago.
"We've sighted a strange object off
the starboard wing," he swiftly told the dispatcher. "Ask ATC if there's
any traffic near us."
In a moment, the answer came back. Air
Traffic Control had no record of anything near their ship.
Adickes and Manning looked out again at
the Saucer. It appeared to be half a mile distant, now keeping pace with the
plane. Adickes shook his head incredulously. It looked exactly like a huge
round wheel rolling down a road, but how could a thing like that stay in the
"I'm going to try to sneak up on
it," he told Manning. He banked the ship gently, but the glowing disk at
once slid away, keeping its distance. He tried again, with the same result.
"Call the hostess," he said
abruptly. "I want someone else to see this thing."
Back in the cabin, hostess Gloria Hinshaw
caught the hastily flashing signal. She hurried up the aisle and entered the
"Take a look out there," said
Adickes. He pointed across the right wing.
The amazed hostess stared out at the
glowing Saucer. It was once more flying parallel with the plane.
"What on earth is it?" Gloria
Hinshaw exclaimed.
"We don't know," said Manning.
"Go back and tell the passengers,
Adickes said quickly. "Get them all to look at it."
The hostess returned to the cabin. The
first passenger, in a single seat on the right, was sound asleep. She turned to
the two across the aisle-Clifford H. Jenkins and Dean C. Bourland, both Boeing
Aircraft men.
"There's a Flying Saucer out there.
Look out the starboard side."
Jenkins laughed, then he saw the look on
her face. He jumped up and peered out the opposite window, Bourland crouching
beside him. From the lighted cabin, the shape of the Saucer was less distinct.
To Jenkins, it looked like a blur of windows lit with a queer red light. It was
unlike anything he'd ever seen-and he knew every type of plane.
While Jenkins and Bourland were gazing at
the Saucer, Captain Adickes came hurrying out of the cockpit. The sleeping
passenger woke up as Adickes leaned down to look out through his window.
"What's the matter-what's going
on?" he demanded.
"Look out there," said Adickes.
"See that thing?" He turned to the two Boeing men.
"Did you see it? I want plenty of
witnesses to this."
The starboard-side passengers were
watching the Saucer, but on the port side aft, the hostess was having trouble.
Some of the passengers, including one who had plainly had a drink or two before
embarking, thought the whole thing was a gag.
"Sure, let's all see the Flying
Saucer," chortled the tipsy gentleman. "Let's see the little men from
He stopped, his mouth hanging open, as he
saw the strange red object glowing beyond the wing. Pop-eyed, he sagged back in
his seat.
When Adickes returned to the cockpit,
Manning was putting down his mike.
"I called the South Bend radio
range," said Manning. "I told them to go out and see if they could
spot the thing."
Adickes took the controls, made one more
cautious attempt to sneak up on the Saucer. When the thing again slid away, he
swung around quickly, to give direct chase.
Instantly, the glowing disk dived. In
barely more than a second, it went down to 1,500 feet, racing off to the north
past South Bend. Its speed, Adickes estimated, was close to 400 miles per hour.
For a few minutes longer, the weird light remained visible-a diminishing bright
red spot against the ground. Then it faded and disappeared.
Adickes' radio flash to Chicago had been
picked up by newspapermen. Reporters were waiting at the airport, and the story
was soon on the wires. It drew unusual attention. This was not just another
Flying Saucer story, to be laughed off. Besides the crew, there were passenger
witnesses. Adickes, recalling the ridicule other pilots had met, had carefully
seen to that.
Because of the unusual nature of this
air-line Saucer sighting, TRUE asked me to carry out a
full-scale investigation. Each of the three crew members is interviewed. All
but five of the sixteen passengers were located. Detailed eyewitness accounts
were obtained by long distance telephone calls to Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago,
Dayton and several other cities.
As we expected, there were some
differences in witnesses' stories. All these variations have been noted. The
result is this report, which we believe to be an accurate, impartial account of
what actually happened on the night of April 27.
Before meeting the two pilots of Flight
117, I talked with others in TWA who knew them.
"Quiet . . . conservative . . .
serious careful." These were some of the terms that were applied to both
men. Nobody in TWA questions that Adickes and Manning saw just what they said.
Manning, who saw the Saucer first, has
been an Air Force pilot. He has flown six years with the air line; his flight
experience totals about 6,000 hours.
By the time I met Manning, at Pittsburgh
Airport, there had been several published "explanations" of the South
Bend Flying Saucer. One theory was the red object was simply a reflection of
blast furnaces against the clouds.
"Yes, I heard that," Captain
Manning told me. "Also, someone said we'd been looking at a burning barn.
Even a first-trip passenger would hardly be fooled that easily - certainly not
a pilot with any experience. Adickes and I have both seen ground fires and
cloud reflections at night. There wasn't any similarity. We were ninety miles
from the furnaces at Gary, and no reflection or burning barn could climb and
maneuver like that"
"How large do you think it was?"
I asked him.
"That's hard to say, because we could
only guess at its distance," said Manning. "But it had to be fairly
large. When I first saw it, the thing was near the horizon. So it had to be
several miles away, perhaps ten or more. Even then, it was big enough to stand
Manning quietly spiked the idea that the
Saucer had been a jet plane's tail pipe.
I've seen jets at night. If you're directly
behind one, you'll see a round spot for a few moments. But this thing was huge
in comparison. It didn't resemble a jet in any way. Besides, I saw it coming up
from behind us. A jet's exhaust would be invisible from that angle. You
wouldn't see much from the side either."
When he first saw the object, Manning
said, it seemed a brighter color than when it flew alongside. He would venture
no opinion, however, when I asked whether this could be interpreted as
indicating that it was using less power when it slowed to pace the air liner.
"I can't swear to its exact shape
Manning told me. "As it came up from below, it was just a bright red spot
at first. Once, I had the feeling of looking down on top of a sphere. But most
of the time it was just a large orange-red blob, like a mass of glowing hot
metal out there in the sky."
Although Manning had not seen it as a disk
rolling on edge, he admitted that a spherical object could appear like a
rolling wheel. He agreed with Captain Adickes' opinion that the thing had evaded
attempts to get closer to it.
"Like flying in formation with
another plane," was his description. "It seem to slide away when we
turned toward it."
Manning did not speculate as to what the
object was, or how it was powered and controlled.
"All I can say is that it definitely
was there. Most of the people in the plane saw it. And it was entirely
different from any ordinary aircraft-uncanny enough to startle anyone first
seeing it."
Captain Adickes agreed on the bizarre'
appearance of the thing. When I saw him at Washington, he told me he previously
had been only half convinced by other pilots' reports of Flying Saucers.
"But I know now they definitely do exist. This was not an airplane and it
wasn't imagination."
Adickes said he had seen jet planes at night.
He fully confirmed Manning's rebuttal of this explanation.
'"And it wasn't St. Elmo's fire or
any reflection on clouds," he added. "A lot of my seventy-eight
hundred hours' flight time was put in on night flying. I've seen just about
everything you'd expect to encounter, but never anything like that disk."
Captain Adickes said its proximity had no
effect on radio reception. Nor did he notice any deviation on his instruments.
The object's color, he said, was not a bright cherry-red, as some newspapers had
stated. Instead, it was about the dull-red color of hot metal.
"Manning and I could only estimate
its size," he said. "It might have been even larger than fifty feet
in diameter, depending on its distance from us. This will give you an idea.
When I tried to cut in toward it, that last time, it streaked down over South
Bend at twice our speed - somewhere between three-fifty and four hundred miles
an hour. But even at that speed, it took several minutes to fade out. So it had
to be fairly big."
As it speeded up to escape, Adickes said,
it turned so that he caught a glimpse of the thing edge on. It seemed to be
about 10 per cent as thick as its diameter.
Other air-line pilots had told him of
unsuccessful efforts to close in on Flying Saucers, Captain Adickes told me.
"I thought maybe they imagined it,
but now I know better. I tried to sneak up on it, and also to get above it.
Each time, it veered away. And when I went after it, the thing was off in a
From the darkened cockpit, hostess Gloria
Hinshaw also saw the object veer away. Back in the lighted cabin, she saw it
again briefly as it speeded off and dived over South Bend.
"How did it look to you?" I
asked her.
"Like a big red wheel rolling
along," she said. "I haven't any idea what it was, but it was
certainly a strange-looking thing. If I hadn't actually seen it, I don't think
I would believe it."
None of the passengers was alarmed by the
Saucer, but Miss Hinshaw had been worried for a moment when she made the first
"Some of them got excited," she
said, "but no one seemed to be nervous. And, course, some didn't even
believe it - they were on the other side, farther back. The rest of us took a
lot of kidding from them before we landed. But there's one thing sure-those who
did see it won't laugh any more at Flying Saucer stories."
Passenger Samuel N. Miller, manager of the
Goodman Jewelry Company in St. Paul, Minnesota, told me the same thing.
"I'd been laughing at the stories
since 1947, but not any more. I saw the Saucer, all right - even before the
hostess told us."
Miller was on the left side, near the
wing. Glancing up from a magazine, he noticed an odd red glow out on the
starboard side.
It was the color of a neon sign," he
described it to me. "1 thought at first it was an advertising blimp. Then
it got closer and I saw it was disk-shaped. It wasn't flashing, like a neon
sign-it was solid color, just a big red disk."
Soon after this, the air liner swerved as
Captain Adickes made the first attempt to close in."It wasn't abrupt-just an easy
turn," said Miller. "Right after that, the hostess's signal began to
flash, and she ran up the aisle."
The rest of his story tallied with the
crew's, except for the time estimate. He thought he had watched the Saucer
almost fifteen minutes; the pilots' figure was eight minutes. When I asked him
what he thought it was, he admitted he had no answer.
"I can't believe it's a secret device
of ours," he said. "They'd be pretty stupid to fly it near air
liners, where everybody could see it and talk about it."
The description given by Clifford H.
Jenkins, an engineering supervisor at the Seattle plant of the Boeing Airplane
Company, varied considerably from the others. Mr. Jenkins saw the object just
over the leading edge of the right wing.
"I've never seen anything like it
before," he told me with emphasis. "It was like a row of windows
glowing deep red. It had no blinker or clearance lights like a conventional
"Could you distinguish separate
windows?" I asked him.
"No, it looked like windows blended
by distance into a solid red band. The thing was perfectly steady, with no
oscillation that I could see."
Just before Captain Adickes came back, Mr.
Jenkins said, the plane veered rather sharply to the right, but the angle of
the Saucer in relation to the DC-3 did not appear to change. (In effect, this
substantiates the pilots' statements that the object moved simultaneously with
the air liner.)
"I had the thing in view three to
four minutes," said Jenkins. "Its top speed was obviously much higher
than ours, for it left us behind in a hurry."
According to Jenkins, the Saucer
disappeared on a parallel course.
"The aspect never changed-neither did
the angle. The thing just faded in size until it was out of sight in the
(Captain Adickes later pointed out that
Manning and he had the Saucer in view from the nose of the plane, where it
would be visible longer. This might explain Jenkins' failure to see the
object's change in altitude.)
Since most of the witnesses agreed that
the Saucer was round, I asked Jenkins again about its shape.
"It was like a red-hot bar, moving
horizontally," he answered. "If it was a row of windows, then the
thing must have been at some distance to blend them together like that."
(Captain Adickes has suggested that the
air liner's lighted cabin made it difficult to get a clear view, unless the
passenger was close to a starboard window. Jenkins and his seatmate, Bourland,
were in the aisle, two feet or more from the window. It is possible that this
could account for the difference in descriptions; Jenkins might have attempted
subconsciously to fit a blurred reddish mass into the conventional pattern of
airplane windows. Otherwise, it seems to be one of those puzzling discrepancies
often found in group reports of accidents and other exciting incidents. Miller,
for instance, was no closer than Jenkins, yet he saw the object clearly as a
"It definitely wasn't a
hallucination," Jenkins summed up his opinion, "for at least a dozen
people saw it. It wasn't any known type of aircraft. It couldn't have been a
meteor-it was too slow; besides, it was flying along horizontally.
"It may have been something the
United States has developed which it doesn't choose to announce. Or it may be,
as some people believe, that such things come from another planet."
Jenkins told me that Dean C. Bourland,
from Boeing's Wichita plant. also had seen the mysterious object, but he was
not sure whether Bourland's description agreed with his. I tried to reach
Bourland at Wichita, but he was on vacation.
After a little difficulty, I located the
passenger who had been asleep in the right front seat. He proved to be Edward
J. Fitzgerald, vice-president and sales manager of Metal Parts & Equipment
Company, Chicago.
"I missed part of the excitement,"
said Mr. Fitzgerald. I was sound asleep until the pilot woke me up. He was
leaning over me, and two men were kneeling in the aisle, staring out the
window. The pilot asked me to look out at the Saucer - he said he wanted plenty
of witnesses so people wouldn't think he was crazy.
"When I turned around, I saw this
strange red glow on a level with the wing. tip. The effect, after being waked
up so suddenly, was naturally startling. The thing looked round, though perhaps
not a perfect circle. I estimated it to be about two hundred yards away, but
that's only a guess.
"The pilot started to explain how
they'd sighted the thing, then he saw it was pulling ahead. He went back to the
cockpit and a second later the plane banked to the right. The 'saucer,' or
whatever it was, speeded up and then dipped a little. Altogether, I saw it
about thirty seconds before it disappeared."
"Did you see any windows, or any
resemblance to a plane?" I asked him.
"No, it wasn't anything like a
plane," Fitzgerald said positively. "It was a very strange
object-almost weird."
Five officials of the International
Harvester Company who were passengers or Flight 117 refused to be interviewed;
whether this was to uphold company dignity or through personal preference was
not stated. Two of these officials were in the Chicago office-a Mr. Gelzer and
a Mr. Irwin. The others were located at the Springfield, Ohio, plant-Mr. Drum,
the works manager, Mr. Anderson, the superintendent, and a Mr. Smith, initials
In spite of their collective refusal. I
learned that two or more of this group did see the Flying Saucer. Other
witnesses told me of the Harvester men's comments. One man thought it was
round, another oval. Both agreed on its mysterious appearance, its bright-red
glow, and its speed.
Another Chicago passenger, Harold C.
Weimer, of 5028 Windsor Avenue, reported he did not see the Saucer. He was
sitting on the left side, in the rear; by the time he looked out. the object
had disappeared. (It was Weimer who suggested the blast-furnace explanation.)
The Saucer was also seen by Martin Nerat,
an employee of the Schwernan Trucking Company of Milwaukee. When the hostess
made her announcement, Nerat stepped across the aisle and gazed out a starboard
window. Like the other witnesses, he was startled by the mysterious object.
When I talked with him, Nerat said the
bright-red glow had prevented him from seeing any distinct shape. He agreed
with the pilots on the Saucer's maneuvers.
"Every time the plane turned toward
it, the thing pulled away. At the last, it was going a lot faster than we were.
I don't know what it was, but it wasn't an airplane."
There were five more passengers aboard Flight 117, but
their addresses are unknown. The names are: Berder, Guttfred, Kehma, Moran, and
The Flight 117 incident has had an
importaist effect. This carefully noted sighting by TWA pilots and passengers
impressed many Americans. Among those who made public statements after the
incident was Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, then president of Eastern Air Lines.
In a United Press story from Savannah, Georgia, Captain Rickenbacker said,
commenting on the Saucers:
"There must be something to them, for
too many reliable persons have made reports on them."
The unknown
"thing" to the left of a C-119 wing
was photographed in the air on Aug. 27, 1964
by the military near Hondo AFB, Texas.
was photographed in the air on Aug. 27, 1964
by the military near Hondo AFB, Texas.
- Project Blue Book - USAF photo
"I think that the thing was equipped
with some sort of repulse radar," said Adickes, "so it would keep at
a certain distance from air liners and other planes."
The guided-missile explanation is not new,
of course. The armed services and the White House have emphatically denied that
the Saucers are an American development, but some Americans discount this as a
smoke screen to hide a secret weapon.
To recheck, I went to the foremost
guided-missile authority in the United States, Captain Delmer S. Fahrney,
U.S.N. Captain Fahrney began guided-missile experiments for the Navy in 1936.
The television-eye missile was designed and perfected by Fabmey and his
engineers. All of the later Army and Air Force developments stem from Captain
Fabmey's early work.
As commanding officer of the Naval Air
Guided Missile Test Station at Point Mugu, California, Captain Fahrney
exchanges top-secret information with both the other services.
"I can tell you flatly that the
Flying Saucers are not guided missiles of the Navy, Army or Air Force," he
said when I interviewed him in Washington. 'No guided-missile officer would be
stupid enough to test any such device along airways or over cities. It would be
criminal negligence-a mechanical failure could endanger lives. Even when
launching a missile over the ocean, we clear the test range and keep it
patrolled during operations."
Admiral Calvin Bolster, of the Navy Bureau
of Aeronautics, gave me the same personal assurance in regard to U.S. piloted
aircraft of advanced design.
"If the Flying Saucers exist,"
he said, "they're not anything we're producing."
Other high defense officials have pointed
out that such top-secret devices, even if piloted, would hardly he tested at
random all over the United States, Canada, Mexico and other countries where
Saucers frequently have been seen.
Photo was taken by James V.
The verdict came back: lens reflection.
- Project Blue Book - USAF photo
The case of Flight 117 is, in
chronological order, the ninth air-line Saucer sighting of which TRUE has
specific record; a tenth occurred one month later; there have also been, at
various times, a number of other cases incompletely documented.
Sightings by experienced transport airmen
are impressive testimony to the reality of Flying Saucers.
The Air Force, which undertook the
investigation of Saucers, has nevertheless professed to deny their existence
from the first reported incident.
On July 4,1947, shortly after the start of
the "Saucer scare," Captain Emil J. Smith of United Air Lines was
still one of the skeptics. But that evening, over Emmett, Idaho, Captain Smith
and his copilot, Ralph Stevens, saw nine fast-flying disks above their DC-3.
The Air Force's Project Saucer brushed off the sighting as an illusion.
Airlines pilot E. J.
Smith holds dinner plate upside down
as he explaines to stewardess the oddly shaped disc
he saw while on routine flight. - UPI Photo
as he explaines to stewardess the oddly shaped disc
he saw while on routine flight. - UPI Photo
Some time after this, the crew of a Pan
American Airways plane sighted a strange aerial object between Everett and
Bedford, Massachusetts. The pilot and navigator described it as cylindrical in
shape, about the length of a P-40 fuselage, and blunt at both ends.
"Weather balloons," said the Air
Near the end of 1949, a Golden North air
freighter was paced between Seattle and Anchorage, Alaska, by a night-flying
Saucer. When the pilots tried to close in, the strange craft zoomed at terrific
speed. Later, the air-line head reported that Intelligence officers had quizzed
the pilots for hours.
"From their questions," he said,
"I could tell they had a good idea of what the Saucers are. One officer
admitted they did, but he wouldn't say any more."
On April 18, Captain Carl Gray was
piloting a Braniff air liner when a C.A.A. tower operator at Childress, Texas,
radioed an urgent message. A mysterious, silvery-white object had been sighted
from the tower; the operator asked Gray to be on the lookout for it.
Captain Gray and his crew spotted the
thing a few minutes later-a large, round, shining object oscillating at a high
altitude. His first thought, that it might be a balloon, quickly gave way to
puzzled astonishment.
"I've never seen anything like
it," he radioed the tower. Later, two Air National Guard fighter pilots were guided up toward
the Saucer by the C.A.A. tower man, who was watching it through binoculars. But
the planes failed to reach the object. Its height was later estimated at
fifteen miles above the earth. My request for the final C.A.A. report on this
sighting was refused, as in the case of the Vandalia affair and, later, Flight
On the night of May 29, 1950, the
pilot, first officer, and flight engineer of an American Air Lines DC-6 that
had left Washington watched an intensely glowing something approach their plane
head on while they climbed southwest-ward a few miles beyond Mount Vernon.
Captain Willis Sperry edged right to avoid it, whereupon it swerved left and
stopped. When they swung back toward it, the thing resumed motion. As it
swiftly circled behind the plane, it passed before the rising full moon in
silhouette, and Captain Sperry observed that it was much
elongated-"torpedo-shaped," he called it-and wingless. The lighted portion
was at its forward end, and the slim body suggested dark metal. Then it darted
out of sight to the east with great speed.
Besides the air-line sightings described
above, there are incomplete reports of others-a sighting by a Capital Air Lines
pilot near Buffalo, New York; a strange encounter on the airway between Alaska
and Japan; Flying Saucers reported by air-line pilots flying from Hawaii to the
mainland, and other sightings on American domestic lines.
The Air Force either denies knowledge of
C.A.A. reports or refuses permission to see them. Concerning its own data, it
announces: "There is no investigation going on. Flying Saucers simply
don't exist."
Any thinking person who examines the mass
of evidence can reach but one conclusion: the Saucers are real.
-Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe
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