Past PRG Updates and Press Releases are archived here.
Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI) |
The Congressional Hearing Initiative is still on hold awaiting the completion of the DVD sets for delivery to Congress. This just means there is more time to prepare for the CHI and get off to a fast start. Expect a launch announcement at any time. Donor DVDs will begin shipping at the same time.
Note: PRG is seeking a basic room stay with a supporter inside the Beltway near a metro stop for the months of May, June, July. This will save much time commuting to the Hill. PRG will work out of the National Press Club near the White House.
PRG 2014 Western Europe Speaking Tour - Sept 15 to Oct 30 |

Western Europe Speaking Tour
In September of 2009 PRG executive director Stephen Bassett spoke at theBeyond Knowledge Conference in Liverpool, UK. Leading up to this event supporters of PRG on Facebook and the PRG Updates list set up other venues resulting in an 18 city, 10 nation speaking tour of Europe. It was an extraordinary experience.
Leeds, UK, September 26-28. He will arrive in the UK fresh from a four-month effort to get new hearings in the U. S. Congress regarding extraterrestrial phenomena and the truth embargo with many stories to tell. Consequently, PRG is again reaching out to PRG supporters throughout Europe who may wish to have Mr. Bassett speak in their country some time between September 15 and October 30, 2014.
Dr. Roger Leir Benefit DVDs
Many of you are perhaps familiar with the history of the citizen science-advocacy work that has been underway for over six decade confronting the government's policy of disruption, disinformation and denial regarding the extraterrestrial reality in our world. If so, you will not be surprised the late Dr. Roger Leir passed having spent everything he had in pursuit of the truth.
Ron James Film has produced a DVD set that will serve as a memorial to the great doctor's work with all profit from sales going to the family.
The collection includes:
WATCHER'S 7 - A Brand New copy of LA Marzulli's latest hit DVD, featuring amazing revelations from Dr. Roger Leir, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and more! A special four DVD set of Roger Leir videos that have only seen limited release. They are:
- Disc 1: Roger Leir - Contactee Research Breakthroughs. A well produced Lecture By Roger Leir regarding the links between Contactees and Implants.
- Disc 2: Alien Implants - The Tip of the Iceberg. One of Roger's last big lectures - the latest of his findings and their broader implications.
- Disc 3: Dr. Roger Leir and the infamous Mr. X recall their cases and experiences. Never before seen DVD.
- Disc 4: Roger Leir, a Tribute. A collection of rare moments with Roger such as his Press Conference presentation, Tribute Videos from Open Minds and Third phase of moon, and various clips form other production such as inside clips and previews from his Gateway Radio project and some other surprises.
Researcher Ron Garner has recently put up a site which comprehensively covers his 40+ years of research into a range of ET related events and evidence.
A number of DVDs are available covering a complex and compelling range of material. More will be added shortly.
The Modern Knowledge Tour
An ambitious new program has been announced. The Modern Knowledge Tour will begin in Halifax, Nova Scotia on May 23rd and end in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 15th, a combined 11 city road trip through Canada. The aim is to have a national, public, and unbiased discussion on topics, ideas and current research in what is socially coined now as 'alternative knowledge'. The presenters on this tour are world class in their respective fields and are passionate about their work and the benefit and knowledge that it brings to our society in this day and age.
The concepts and ideas presented will not only empower individuals to think for themselves, but also inspire them to ask questions regarding our current knowledge, doctrines and dogmas. Beginning with the earliest record of humanity, bridging the chasm of time and civilizations, the Modern Knowledge Tour will address the stubborn ideologies that have held back progress. Some of the world's best alternative researchers and speakers will plot a future course for our species on this beautiful planet and beyond.
Other Developments
Richard Dolan Award: Congratulations to Richard Dolan upon receiving the 2014 Lucius O. Farish Award for Excellenrce in UFO-Related Research and Education at the 2014 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference. It will certainly not be his last.
The Other Earth Found: The Kepler Telescope has finally identified a planet the size of Earth in the life zone of a star. Who knew? Note: The current estimate for Earth-like planets in the galaxy - 20 billion or is it 100 billion? But none of them could have intelligent live capable of visiting Earth, right? If that were true there would be evidence for non-human, intelligence engaging the Earth, right? And the government of the United States claims there is no such evidence, right?
The UFO Hotel: Luis Ramallo of Baker, CA has created a very successful product - Alien Fresh Jerky. How successful? Mr. Ramallo is about to break ground on a $30 million UFO themed hotelin Baker, CA - population 780. Mr. Ramallo is one of a number of entrepreneurs well positioned to make a huge fortune when Disclosure takes place, and that's a good thing. Why? Such entrepreneurs may well be the source of the funding needed to help ensure the post-Disclosure world is reshaped by the citizens of nations and not the old paradigm power elite who have sucked the planet and its people dry for the past 10,000 years.
Congressional Hearing Initiative Advanced Preparation |
Over the coming weeks leading up to the Congressional Hearing Initiative there are a number of actions those interested in seeing the end of the truth embargo can take to broaden the support base for PRG's Disclosure advocacy work. These websites offer a number of options. Obviously any and all link sharing is helpful.
World Disclosure Day
At this site you and/or your organization can endorse July 8 as World Disclosure Day.
Exopolitics World Network
PRG is seeking volunteer webmasters to acquire, create and maintain a portal exopolitics website for as many countries as possible - one per country. Site names and URLs include the country name. Anyone interested with website skills and knowledge of the ET issues, please contact PRG.
Exopolitics United States Network
In like fashion PRG is seeking volunteer webmasters to acquire, create and maintain a portal exopolitics website for as many states as possible - one per state. Site names and URLs include the state name. Anyone interested with website skills and knowledge of the ET issues, please contact PRG.
Fax On Washington
Drop in and visit the website that will help coordinate emails, faxes and tweets to members of Congress when the Congressional Hearing Initiative begins.
Drop in and visit the website where "Disclosure Petition VI - Congressional Hearings" will be posted prior to being submitted to the White House website in April
If you're on Facebook, consider liking or joining the following FB pages:
Citizen Hearing Foundation and the UN Initiative |

The Citizen Hearing Foundation website is up with information regarding a multi-nation resolution to the UN General Assembly calling for a UN backed world conference on the ET evidence. This will help galvanize the political media as well as the Congress, which would not relish being preempted by the UN on the extraterrestrial issue.
Erie, PA - April 26
Elmhurst, IL - May 2-4 Tampa, FL - May 16-17 |
Philadelphia, PA - July 18-20 Joshua Tree, CA - Aug 8-10 Portland, ME - Sept 5-7
| Leeds, UK - Sept 26-28 San Jose, CA - Oct 11-12 Pittsburgh, PA - Nov 8 |
Congressional Hearing Initiative
UN Resolution Initiative
PRG Media Interview and Speaking Schedule (Stephen Bassett) - 2014 |
Upcoming Interviews - 2014
Upcoming Lectures/Panels
Past Interviews [included as most are archived.]
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