Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Day 4: Global UFO Encounters Take The Stage (Live Updates)
It's international day at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD), in Washington, D.C., in which several individuals, including military personnel, will present testimony of UFO encounters in other countries.
At the National Press Club this week, 40 international researchers and military/agency witnesses are presenting testimony in front of a committee made up of six former members of Congress.
In the following highlight from yesterday's testimony, researcher Grant Cameron reads from a Top Secret Canadian government memo which declares UFOs to be "the most highly classified subject in the United States":
In this second highlight from yesterday, former McDonnell Douglas Aerospace executive Robert Wood talks about his efforts to authenticate important UFO documents:
Cong. Kilpatrick (pictured below) appeared very moved by the testimony of the private, commercial and military pilots as well as previous panel witnesses during the week.
"[All this week], I've heard some of the most intelligent, scientific and universal knowledge on the topic that I didn't know I was going to witness. Yesterday, we heard from 12 different countries who have hundreds of years of scientific intelligent information on this subject.
"It behooves us, as human beings, in what is known as the greatest country in the world, to participate in that discussion. To not act like something exists and then to further act like it's a joke, we do a disservice to our ancestors, to God and to the people of the world.
"I want the world and the universe to continue. And if there is something out there -- and I'm not a scientist -- there's a whole lot we don't know. I think it's ignorant of any people not to seek out what we need to know to continue the universe.
"I was convinced before this morning's panel that there probably is something out there, and I'm willing to work the rest of my life to see that, if it is, how we can enhance the universe to see that we all have a better quality of life."
4:17 PM – Today
On the fifth and final day of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure in Washington, D.C., a group of pilots -- private, commercial and military -- and former FAA official John Callahan testified about a number of UFO encounters experienced by pilots, and how, in many cases, information about these incidents were deliberately kept from the public.