jeremy 21:06:2016


Sunday, August 31, 2014


di Alfredo Lissoni 

Guglielmo Marconi, presidente formal do Gabinetto RS/33

Benito Mussolini, primeira pessoa de contacto do Gabinetto.

Italo Balbo, segunda pessoa de contacto do Gabinetto RS/33, ala anti-germânica

Galeazzo Ciano, segunda pessoa de contacto (anti -germânico)

Francesco Severi, matemático, Univ. La Sapienza, clã dos professores

Giancarlo Vallauri, electrotécnico, Pontifica Accademia, 
clã dos professores

Filippo Bottazzi, biólogo, 
clã dos professores  

Gaetano Arturo Crocco, engenheiro, 
clã dos professores 

Dante De Blasi, médico, 
clã dos professores  

Romualdo Pirotta, botânico, 
clã dos professores    

Francesco Giordani, químico, 
clã dos professores  

Alfredo: personagem misterioso a quem é dirigida uma  carta  da Agenzia Stefani, que faz referência ao Gabinete RS/33. Poederia tratar-se do jornalista milanês Alfredo Rizza, agente secreto da O.V.R.A. que agia sob um pseudónimo numérico (203), provavelmente como as pessoas implicadas nos Arquivos fascistas

Posted: 31 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT
As many visitors to Educating Humanity know Linda Moulton Howe interviewed me for the Coast to Coast Radio Program. We have had several lengthy discussions about UFOs, their origins, intelligent life in the universe and about extraterrestrials in general. 

Her site Earth Files is similar to Educating Humanityin that it makes a sincere and honest effort to provide honest truthful news and information. Do we always get it right, no. That is one of the pitfalls of this field. So many people are attempting hoax the public and lie about the facts that it is close to impossible to get always get it right.  You will find both Earth Files and Educating Humanity on the cutting edge of the UFO phenomena, Disclosure and much more. 

PAUL Dean, 35, from Nunawading, is a senior researcher with Victorian UFO Action, a group dedicated to investigating UFO sightings. He has spent decades searching for the truth about reports of unidentified flying objects.

As told to SARAH MARINOS, this is a SnapShot glimpse into Paul’s extraordinary life:

FROM as far back as I can remember I was always technically and scientifically minded. As a kid growing up in the eastern suburbs, I enjoyed learning about physics, astronomy and aviation.

But when I was 13 a close family member told me something that triggered my lifelong interest in UFOs. He told me about a sighting near Shepparton in 1975.
He was 25 years old then and in the army and as he was driving alone one night he saw a massive white light through the trees ahead.

It looked like a train headlight but as the light rose higher into the sky he thought instead that there must be something like a grain silo ahead with a bright white light on top. As the light rose even higher in the sky he thought it had to be a helicopter with a searchlight, but there was no sound of rotors turning.


di Alfredo Lissoni 

La ricerca sui files fascisti non smette mai di stupire. Le indagini CUN stanno ancora andando avanti, ed i risultati che ogni giorno ricaviamo dimostrano come si sia appena scalfita la punta di un iceberg. In primo luogo, l’esame chimico degli unici originali in possesso degli ufologi - i files veneti del ‘36, recapitati anonimamente a Roberto Pinotti - ha dato esito positivo: i documenti sono autentici; abbiamo così lavorato molto anche in questa direzione, cercando di rintracciare i testimoni coinvolti. Non abbiamo avuto fortuna, in quanto, dai nominativi forniti nei carteggi del ‘36, non vi è più alcun Tolmini a Venezia-Mestre; quanto ai Venanzi (altro nome che appare citato nei files), delle uniche due famiglie rimaste, una non viveva in Veneto negli anni Trenta e l’altra non ha mai avuto a che fare con avvistamenti di alcun tipo. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014


di Alfredo Lissoni 

Nuove ricerche d’archivio dimostrano in maniera inequivocabile la connection fra Guglielmo Marconi ed i professori del Gabinetto RS/33. Ed intanto si scopre che all’epoca degli avvistamenti UFO il Duce ordinò che sparissero tutti i testimoni. Con le buone o con le cattive...

A seguito del clamore suscitato dai files fascisti su molti media nazionali, ai primi di maggio chi scrive riceveva una richiesta di incontro da un pilota militare di Milano, incuriosito dai carteggi del Gabinetto RS/33. Al colloquio partecipava anche il collega Gigi Barone, mio braccio destro nella gestione della sezione milanese del CUN. Il nostro interlocutore, del quale ovviamente rispettiamo la richiesta di anonimato, era non solo un esperto di Intelligence militare, ma anche un appassionato di storia contemporanea e collezionista di documenti del Ventennio. 

Era dunque in grado di poterci fornire utili indicazioni sui carteggi mussoliniani. Gli mostrammo i documenti e questi ci confermò l’esattezza di alcune procedure, come ad esempio la dizione lampo, realmente in vigore presso i militari, come indicazione d’urgenza di un documento; ma rimase scettico sul grado di segretazione dei telegrammi Stefani e della nota personale del Senato, etichettati riservatissimi e riferiti all’atterraggio di un UFO in Lombardia; il nostro interlocutore ci fece notare che per eventi di quel tipo sarebbe stato più appropriato un grado di copertura assai più severo, quali segreto o segretissimo, e ci fece presente che, a tutt’oggi, queste classifiche non sono che le più basse, in quanto ne seguono almeno altre dieci ancor più imperscrutabili.


Chi scrive, stimolato dalla considerazione, ha deciso di puntare parte delle proprie indagini in quella direzione.


di Alfredo Lissoni

No photo available. Represent Alfredo Rizzo? Add or change photos at IMDbPro

Alfredo: misterioso personaggio cui è rivolta una lettera Stefani che fa riferimento al Gabinetto RS/33. Potrebbe trattarsi del giornalista milanese Alfredo Rizza, agente segreto dell’O.V.R.A. che agiva sotto uno pseudonimo numerico (203), come presumibilmente le persone implicate nei files fascisti.

De Santi: è probabilmente il più inafferrabile e sfuggente degli 007 fascisti, uomo di punta per i contatti con le spie naziste; per capire quanto fosse in gamba si pensi che, dopo la guerra, riuscì a spacciarsi per antifascista e venne persino premiato con una medaglia da De Gasperi in persona; per molti anni si pensò che non esistesse nemmeno; la sua esistenza venne poi provata al di là di ogni ragionevole dubbio solo l’anno scorso dallo storico Arrigo Petacco, che ha identificato in De Santis, Nostromo, Luigi Grassi, Grossi o David (tutti pseudonimi) un certo Tommaso David, colonnello di Frosinone fondatore del gruppo spionistico Volpi Argentate ed in seguito capo dei servizi segreti di Salò.

Crop Circle Interpretation by Maya Todorova


This crop circle appeared on July 8, 2014 Tetbury Lane, near Charlton, Wiltshire, UK. More pictures can be seen here:

An interpretation in accordance with the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, which according to the Mayas is a Galactic Module.

The whole Galactic Module Tzolkin comprises 260 days (260 Kins) and is divided in 5 Castles, each of 52 days.

Each castle is divided in 4 wavespells, each of 13 days, from Tone 1 to Tone 13.

Each day in Tzolkin has a Solar Seal and a Tone of Creation.
There are 20 Solar Seals and 13 Tones of Creation.
Each Solar Seal has a color.  There are 4 colors.

Meaning of the colors in the names of the energies and their connection with the 4 Directions and the 4 Elements:
RED - EAST - Initiation - Element EARTH
WHITE - NORD - Refinement - Element AIR
BLUE - WEST - Transformation - Element WATER
YELLOW - SOUTH - Ripening - Element FIRE

In each of the 5 Castles is performed the program of a Yellow Solar Seal, according to the following "plan" - here is indicated the name of the castle and the Solar Seal, which program is performed in this castle:

Red Castle (Kin 1 - Kin 52): Yellow Seed (Solar Seal No. 4)
White Castle (Kin 53 - Kin 104): Yellow Warrior (Solar Seal No. 16)
Blue Castle (Kin 105 - Kin 156): Yellow Star (Solar Seal No. 8)
Yellow Castle (Kin 157 - Kin 209): Yellow Sun (Solar Seal No. 20)
Central Green Castle (Kin 209 - Kin 260): Yellow Human (Solar Seal No. 12)


According to Tzolkin, 8th July 2014 is a day with the Solar Seal "BLUE MONKEY" and with the Tone 4, Kin 251.

8th July 2014 is the fourth day of the YELLOW STAR Wavespell. This wavespell is from July 5 to July 17, 2014.

This wavespell is the last, 4th wavespell of the Central Green Castle of Enchantment and it is the last, 20th wavespell of this Tzolkin module.

The Central Green Castle of Enchantment performs the program of the YELLOW HUMAN. In this castle, which is in the center of the Time Matrix, the Yellow Human synchronizes himself through the energies of the Enchantment and transforms himself thanks to the Synchronous order of the Universal Time.
Posted: 30 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT

Posters Comments

8/29/2014 - A major UFO sighting captured on daytime video by multiple witnesses, has been sent in to Secureteam for analysis. Large black saucer shaped UFOs are being captured in the skies over the eastern US. Here we have multiple videos from different angles of one of these large saucer shaped craft.
UFO Over Iraqi Terrorist - Conglomeration of Bizarre Recent UFO Sightings

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 05:21 AM PDT

Facsimile of Marsh Point Farm 

A close encounter of the weird kind occurred west of Cornwall, Canada back in the 1840s which continues to confound researchers and historians. (Often speculated to be extraterrestrial beings)

What became known as the 'Marsh Point Ghost' started out as strange lights on a September evening back in 1845. A farmer was walking home one night, along the banks of the Cornwall Canal west of community, when he spotted the phenomenon.

He spied strange lights dancing around the farm owned by Granny Marsh, 80, who lived with her daughter Clara, 60, on the property, which was located on the island of Milles Roches - which is now among the Lost Villages west of Cornwall.

Unsure what the strange dancing orbs to be, the farmer visited the farm the next morning to determine what kind of disaster had befallen the poor old ladies - but the women said they had seen and heard nothing.

"They were highly amused to hear that people with lights had been seen to be wandering around their place after dark," reported Rex Lambert, a CBC reporter who in the 1960s recounted the circumstances of the event.

Friday, August 29, 2014

UFOs over North Carolina beaches – Spacing Out! Episode 86

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 05:12 AM PDT

Multiple witnesses have captured photo and video of strange lights in North Carolina. Plus, Jason McClellan rants about the latest UFO story that took the media by storm. That and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!

Stories discussed on this episode:

- Sea plankton found in space

- Antarctic microbes help in the search for ET life

Golden UFO over Sacramento

UFOs over North Carolina Beaches

Posted by: Alejandro Rojas August 28, 2014 0 2,532 Views

A man in Turkey believes he may have taken a photo of a UFO near Van Lake, home of the Van Lake Monster.

Gaziantep News reports they received an email from Ahmet Baygümüş with a UFO photo attached. Baygümüş says on August 24 at around 7 pm he was taking pictures of the landscape and the sunset with his phone. He did not see anything unusual. However, when he reviewed the pictures later he saw a strange light in the image.
Baygümüş says he returned to the location the next day at the same time, but did not see anything unusual.

Posted by: Alejandro Rojas August 27, 2014 0 2,682 Views

At least 20 witnesses watched several UFOs from the beach on Skyros Island in Greece. One witness caught a few of the objects on video before they sped off at “breakneck speed” into the distance.

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT

A New Jersey witness at Washington Township reported a bright orange, bell-shaped UFO, in her back yard that quickly moved into the sky and disappeared, according to testimony in Case 59379 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Artist Likeness

The witness was outside at 8:30 p.m. on August 14, 2014, as a storm was approaching from the northwest when the object was first seen.

“I walked out my back door and picked a tomato off a patio plant,” the witness stated. “I then walked to the fence on my right and tossed the tomato over it – for the birds. When I turned around, I saw a large orange/red glowing object that reminded me of a burning ember from a fire – very bright.”

The witness described the object’s movement.

“It came from over the top of the neighbor’s lower roof (which is probably 10 feet high), moving steadily toward the southeast through our backyard. It seemed to move right through trees/leaves – if it navigated around them, I didn’t notice that.”

The witness described the object.

“There was no sound, no smell, no anything. It appeared to be translucent with fire inside of it (or like churning gas), and at some point I saw a clear edge to it. I remember thinking I could see through it, if it weren’t for all that fire inside. When I say it looked like a jellyfish, it was the shape of a contracted, bell-shaped jellyfish.”
The object was low to the ground.

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 04:00 AM PDT
Basement Jaxx claims UFO encounter on new album Junto

Felex Burton (left) and Simon Radcliffe say aliens are real after a UFO encounter

Basement Jaxx star Felix Buxton, 44, has written a song about aliens after catching a glimpse of what he believes was a UFO, outside the band's London headquarters.

The electro musician, who forms one half of Basement Jaxx with Simon Ratcliffe, 47, claims he saw "something very still and glinting in the sky, like light reflecting off a car" through a window of the group's studio near King's Cross in the British capital.

"I saw it from from the studio. It was a bright, sunny afternoon in London and I saw a flying saucer. Luckily I was with someone else at the time, so people can't think I'm barking crazy," he told USA Today.

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT

EMERALD ISLE, CARTERET COUNTY - People reported seeing at least 10 red circles in the sky above Eastern North Carolina this past weekend. After one women took a video of the event, she learned other people have been seeing these mysterious orbs as well.

Kelly Burke said she spends plenty of evenings on her back porch but had never seen anything like the red circles before.

"That's when they started coming off of the horizon one by one. They would all completely disappear in the same spot - the same spot! So it would go from there to there, poof its gone," said Burke.

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 04:00 AM PDT
UFOs? Government experiments? Blown transformers? What are those flashes seen before earthquakes?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 9:13 PM - Residents of California's Bay Area experienced a magnitude 6.0 earthquake very early on Sunday morning, but some experienced something even stranger, just before or during the event - flashes of light in the sky that have frequently been associated with earthquakes.

What appears to be security footage looking out over the city of Santa Rosa, Calif, at 3:13 a.m. PDT on Sunday, roughly seven minutes before the entire area shook, shows flashes going off every few seconds, including some exceptionally bright ones.

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 07:48 AM PDT
Several Police and Multiple Neighbors Witness UFO

abc27 WHTM

Stephanie Wilkerson was enjoying a glass of wine on her porch Monday night when she looked up in the sky and saw something that caught her attention.

At first, Wilkerson says she thought it was an airplane, until she it started changing colors and moving.

She then called her husband outside and a few minutes later she asked her neighbor to stop by. She said her neighbor was, "amazed and he went and got his binoculars," said Wilkerson, "he thought it was a planet, until it turned yellow right before our eyes."
UFO Witness Stephanie Wilkerson

Then Stephanie called Lower Paxton Township (Pennsylvania) Police.

An officer stopped by and saw the object so he called his superiors, who also stopped by and could not believe what they were seeing. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014




This amazing crop circle appeared on August 16, 2014 in Nettle Hill, Warwickshire, UK.A lot of pictures can be seen here:


According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, 16th August 2014 is a day with the Solar SealWHITE DOG and with the Tone 4.

16th August 2014 is the 4th day of the BLUE HAND Wavespell, which continues till 25th August 2014.
On the pictogram are depicted symbolically through figures, signs or numbers the following energies of the day and of the wavespell:

WHITE DOG - Love, Heart, Devotion
BLUE HAND - Knowledge, Accomplishment, HEALING - Solar Seal No. 7

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A recovered UFO in Cornwall? (VIDEO)

Posted by: Jason McClellan August 26, 2014 0 251 Views

A witness believes he captured video of a downed UFO being transported in the South West England county of Cornwall.

The video, uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday, August 12, shows a large object resembling a flying saucer secured to the trailer of a semi truck. The unidentified object is not directly visible as it is covered with a form-fitting cover.

Posted by: Roger Marsh August 25, 2014 0 4,642 Views

An Illinois witness at Waltonville reported watching a “giant ship” with a slight glow to it that moved overhead on August 23, 2014, according to testimony in Case 59230 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was fishing with friends when the object was noticed “just cruising along at a very high altitude.”

“This thing had to be at least a half mile long or longer,” the witness stated. “It wasn’t lit up bright. It had a slight glow to it .Nothing fancy.”

The object reminded the witness of ships depicted in Hollywood films

“I have seen a lot of things in the night sky and have never seen anything like this. It reminded me of some of the giant ships on the ‘Star Wars’ movie.”


The witness stated that the object looked like something out of a ‘Star Wars’ movie. Pictured: Waltonville, IL. (Credit: Google)

Posted by: Jason McClellan August 25, 2014 0 2,941 Views
Peggy's Cove. (Credit: Aconcagua)
Peggy’s Cove. (Credit: Aconcagua/Wikimedia Commons)

A couple spotted a UFO in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Thursday, August 21. But the military came forward to claim responsibility for the bright aerial object.

Posted: 26 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT
UFO filmed by NBC cameraman
Brandon Mallory

The fact that the FBI interrogated this cameraman for 7 hours makes this case extraordinary. The authorities accused him of faking the video which has b

This is a clip of a news broadcast from August 22, 2014 - NBC (KSN) Cameraman, Brandon Mallory, shot the footage in 2002. He says he didn't notice the object when filming, but when he went back to edit the video he just happened to pause it on one of the seven frames that it was in. His television station called the police who then notified the FBI. He then claims he was "hooked up to little wires" for hours and was submitted to a polygraph. The object in the film goes behind a cloud that is estimated to be 5,000 ft in the air.

Posted: 26 Aug 2014 04:30 AM PDT

Posters Comments
All recorded with a P8079HP & VARO Night vision tube - Melbourne Australia

Monday, August 25, 2014


This beautiful crop circle appeared on 24th August 2014 in
Ironwell Lane, near Stroud Green, Essex, UK.

 Снимка на Maya Todorova.
More pictures are published here:

According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, 24th August 2014 was a day with the Solar Seal "White MIRROR" - Reflection, Infinity, Meditation.

24th August is also the 12th day of the Blue Hand Wavespell. The energy Blue Hand means Knowledge, Accomplishment, HEALING.

The big circle on the pictogram depicts a Mirror, which gives us the feeling of Infinity.

The figure, depicted on the pictogram, is a figure of a human, in the typical Lotus meditation pose for meditation. The outer circle of the figure is the body of the human and the inner circle is the heart chakra. The creators of the crop circle point out that this day is very suitable for a healing meditation, for example with focus on the heart chakra.

        Снимка на Maya Todorova.            
        Снимка на Maya Todorova.


x way live

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Peace, Good Will toward men.”

This Christmas, Give Peace.



Cameron Diaz UFOs

David Blackford //





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