Thursday, March 2, 2017

Jeremy Thomas -- Like Alchemy before Chemistry

March 2 at 5:02pm

Like Alchemy before Chemistry

The people doing active atmospheric observations have been inspired and continue to be inspired by the great men of science. These men of science had teach us not to take on faith anything that is claimed by any "expert", they have teach us not to accept as rock solid "common sense" or "common wisdom", many great discoveries have been done by questioning what was accepted for almost the totality of humanity.

That constant inquiry is at the core of the scientific thinking. Actually history teach us that as a rule in questions of science the majority is almost always wrong, that is one of the reasons why science is not done by "democratic" means.

Now any person with not preconceived ideas when presented with the "problem" of the reality of anomalies is faced with a dichotomy:

1- On one side that person will find that some people like Gabriela Decall of Argentina, with keen observational skills and armed with a digital camera, she had video captured amazing objects(, with extraordinary mental clarity and pure curiosity she had documented many anomalies, using just a digital camera that you can get for less than $50 in Ebay.

2- On the other hand that person with no preconceptions, will have the "scientific community/experts/analysts" with "cutting edge" scientific methods, this scientific community is claiming that there is not such a thing, that these anomalies are "mirages", "camera artifacts", "balloons", "plastic bags trapped in thermal air currents", etc.

But this person with no preconceived ideas, will go to other places and will realize that there is an amazing consistency on many of the video footage presented by active observers like Gabriela Decall, this person then will realize that there is something real behind these recordings. Then the only thing that this person with not preconceived ideas is left to do is just to try and verify by himself what all these people around the world are reporting, that is what I did and that is what I am reporting here.

I had learned a lot since I started doing active observations almost two years ago and I have validated/confirmed many of the recordings done by people like Gabriela Decall and they have done that using just naked eye observations, by using now infrared in a dual optical system their observations can be systematized, but in essence is a confirmation of what they already have been recording for years using just digital cameras and naked eye spotting, what they have done is really amazing and they have been dismissed/ignored for years.

Many of these same anomalies were reported by Trevor J Constable in the 1950's, I learned that well after I already had watched many of the same anomalies that he had already described, so a cycle of rediscovery have been going on since the 1950's where people starting active atmospheric observations rediscover the same things over and over.

There have been little systematization, zero classification of anomalies, many misconceptions and myths are common, just like Alchemy before Chemistry.

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