CIA Chief Roscoe Hillenkoetter on UFO Cover-up in New York Times

This astounding 1960 article on a former CIA director being
"soberly concerned" about UFOs is available in the New York
Times archives. Click here to confirm. We provide a copy of the article
below. Bold typeface has been
added to aid in finding the quote from former CIA Director Hillenkoetter
demanding that the truth be brought out about UFOs. To see other
key witness statements on the UFO cover-up by astronauts, military officers,
and other top leaders, click here.
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter was the first director of the CIA when it was originally created in 1947, serving
as its director until 1950.
The revealing New York Times article
below interestingly was buried on page 30 of the Sunday edition that winter day
over 50 years ago. You can easily verify this by going to the New York
Times archives webpage for the article at this link. Immediately under the title, you will see
descriptors for the article: "February 28, 1960, Sunday, Page 30, 418
Pamphlet by the Inspector General Called Objects a 'Serious Business'
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 (UPI)–The Air Force has sent its commands a warning
to treat sightings of unidentified flying objects as "serious
business" directly related to the nation's defense, it was learned today.
An Air Force spokesman confirmed issuance of the directive after
portions of it were made public by a private "flying saucer" group.
The new regulations were issued by the Air Force inspector general Dec.
The regulations, revising similar ones issued in the past, outlined
procedures and said that "investigations and analysis of UFO's are
directly related to the Air Force's responsibility for the defense of the
United States."
Committee Reveals Document
Existence of the document was revealed by the National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
The privately financed committee accused the Air Force of deception in
publicly describing reports of unidentified flying objects as delusions and
hoaxes while sending the private admonition to its commands.
Vice Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter (Ret.), a committee board member and
former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in a statement that a
copy of the inspector general's warning had been sent to the Senate Science and
Astronautics Committee.
"It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional
hearings," he said."
The Air Force confirmed that the document had been issued. A spokesman
said it was put out by Maj. Gen. Richard E. O'Keefe, acting inspector general
at the time, to call attention to revised Air Force regulations concerning
unidentified flying objects.
The statement was included in an "operations and training"
pamphlet circulated at intervals to bring commands up to date.
Pentagon aides said the new regulations covering seven printed pages,
made no substantive change in policy but had been rewritten as a matter of
The Air Force has investigated 6,132 reports of flying objects since
1947, including 183 in the last six months of 1959. The latest Air Force
statement, issued a month ago said, "no physical or material evidence, not
even a minute fragment of a so-called flying saucer, has ever been found."
Admiral Hillenkoetter said that "behind the scenes, high-ranking
Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFO's."
"But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led
to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense," the retired admiral
said. He charged that "to hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its
personnel" through the issuance of a regulation.
im a normal person i never said yu cant call the cops to anyone so im sane!! outsideplaying wasbirds Seagulls,Crows, Pigions,Cutesogbirds. Lots of time thers live insects bugs Spiders, Ants inever had a mirical[ i donot have extrasensory perception to see Auras] ive been to 5 different phyciatric-menta hospitals involuntary commited for thesmallesr reseon. Ineedmoney to travel new clothes 3 meals-aday if i get a cell phone i might make new frends =loveenergy.Send $900 cash doller bills to meMrFlorance1730 Franklin rd Denver Calorado Zip 80218 Fairy sprites are crystal rock ethric astral ghost in other demension spirit. The highest Genaral has a malfuntion hes crazy one [cant kiss the cat!!]
ReplyDeletemy idia of anyigravity is the4297foot Hshape with 426 outerdevices 51,000 thrusters or 81%prctl of that. 109,000onbourd in the skyits scarewd of yesterday so no pilot useslong6milecord i bet 2900farenhite cxenter is 16,000farenhite laser wepeon is always on top side. thereis no silver objects inside the floatingship