What Happens After UFO Disclosure? - Richard Dolan Full Conference.
What Happens After UFO Disclosure? - Richard Dolan Full Conference. How The World Will Look After The Great Change: Historian Richard Dolan looks at how, after over six decades of quiet revolution that UFOs herald, we can now see the outlines of a reality that's been sneaking up on us one step at a time. The issue that got hushed up by one generation and turned into an object of derision by another now demands to be heard straight up in ours. What Happens After UFO Disclosure? - Richard Dolan Full Conference
Richard Dolan presented "A. D. (After Disclosure)" at the 2nd Annual British Exopolitics Expo on Saturday August 7th, 2010 held at the University of Leeds.
I absolutely LOVED this talk. I've listened to hundreds of hours (a thousand?) of information over the last year as I became interested in this subject area. Here's the thing... Richard gave such a vast number of outstanding compelling reasons for not changing the status quo that there is no way in hell whomever has the information will ever come out and say so. It will turn the world on it's head not just for a couple weeks, but for a couple of hundred years. Big oil will insist on fighting against what might amount to a non-threat. The idea that they'd just disappear isn't going to happen. In fact, I am reassessing whether I'm even FOR disclosure during my and my children's lifetime.
The only disclosure that ever occurs will be the "others" themselves forcing it upon us. Hell will ensue, without a doubt.
I think the "others" and those here on Earth that are protecting us from these secrets, are actually providing us a service. It's like, don't be too quick to open Pandora's Box because you're curious what the hell is in there. Let the Box open slowly... as in over hundreds, even thousands of years... An abrupt change will destroy everything, it appears.UFO DISCLOSURE This will Scare You!!! (Compilation of UFO Sightings) HD720p - 2009-2011 --
Join the Discussion on FACEBOOK: A boy has stunned medics with his ability to see in pitch black with eyes that glow in the dark.
Doctors have studied Nong Youhui's amazing eyesight since his dad took him to hospital in Dahua, southern China, concerned over his bright blue eyes.
Dad Ling said: "They told me he would grow out of it and that his eyes would stop glowing and turn black like most Chinese people but they never did."
Medical tests conducted in complete darkness show Youhui can read perfectly without any light and sees as clearly as most people do during the day.
Could Nong Youhui be a Hybrid or Starchild? A new and growing generation of extraordinary and gifted children are springing up across our planet, is the human species evolving, or possibly our Extraterrestrial visitors tinkering with our DNA? As always you decide.
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Coast to Coast AM Show(s) - Great Additional information!
Tuesday Nov. 18, 2014 (November 18, 2014)
11/18/2014, 11-18-14
Richard Dolan is the author of the ground-breaking historical series, UFOs and the National Security State, which chronicles the modern UFO age with an emphasis on military encounters and government secrecy.
Official Website:
Thursday Aug. 7, 2014 (August 7, 2014)
8/07/2014, 08-07-14
Conspiracy researcher Olav Phillips specializes in the secret space program, exotic aircraft, high technology, foreign policy, pre-history, and mysterious civilizations. Olav discussed his study of Alternative 3, a rarely seen British TV program from 1977.
Link to archived Coast to Coast show:
(excerpts taken from Coast to Coast AM)
Richard Dolan Secret Space Program Playlist
Full video: and much more!
After Disclosure
According to some estimates, more than half of all U.S. Government documents are classified at one level or another.
UFO Disclosure00
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