February 9, 2015
UFO's May Be
More Active In Australian Airspace Than Originally Thought

Freedom of information requests lodged by two Melbourne scientists have
revealed UFO's may be more active in Australian airspace than many people
Paul Dean and Keith Basterfield were so fascinated by an Australian Transport Safety Bureau ATSB report into an incident near Perth, on March 19 last year; they lodged a FOI request with Air Services Australia asking for information on recent cases of unexplained objects in our skies.
When the response returned details of 13 incidents in the past seven years they were stunned.
"At about 3800 ft above mean sea level, the crew sighted a bright strobe light directly in front of the aircraft," a report into the March 19 Perth incident stated.
"The light appeared to track towards the aircraft and the crew realized that the light was on an unknown object, possibly an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
"The pilot reported that the object was cylindrical in shape and grey in color."
The pilot was forced to take evasive action to avoid crashing into the object.
Another incident involved a missile-like object dropping from the sky.
"(Flight) XKI (DH8C) reported a foreign object of approximate size (1 metre) within close proximity (50ft) of the aircraft causing them to level out briefly as the object passed left hand side," an Air services Australia report said.
"The rocket like object (shaft) was observed to be attached to a parachute. Pilot reported observation at 6800 ft."
In another incident last January a pilot reported seeing "something hovering...which then disappeared."
In September 2012 flight "TGW581 reported a red cylindrical object passing the aircraft in the opposite direction when climbing through FL200 approximately 20nm miles south of Sydney."
On April 25, 2010 near Mt Jerrabomberra in NSW an "Unidentified (upside down pyramid shaped) object drifting close to final rwy 35 ... Initially drifted west, towards final for rwy 35, before climbing and drifting to the Northeast."
"Two aircraft (QFA814 and VOZ259) were diverted through noise abatement areas to avoid the object."
Do you have any accounts of UFO sightings on The Northern Rivers? Comment below.
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