Thursday, June 5, 2014

PRG -- 5:06:2014

June 4, 2014
Past PRG Updates and Press Releases are archived here.
Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI)
The Congressional Hearing Initiative is ready to launch pending the completion and shipping of the CHD DVDs to Capitol Hill. A new, relevant Open Letter to the President is ready for wider publication and previewed in Exopolitics Magazine, theWhite House Disclosure Petition VI is ready for submission to "We the People," a place to stay near Capitol Hill has been secured for the summer. The CHI email/tweet storm will be coordinated at.
Exopolitics Magazine
An outstanding new quarterly magazine has just published its first issue. Anthony Beckett, a leading exopolitical activist in the UK, is behind Exopolitics Magazine.  PRG executive director Stephen Bassett has contributed an article which includes a preview of the pending Open Letter to President Obama to be widely published later this summer.
PRG 2014 Western Europe Speaking Tour - Sept 15 to Oct 30

Western Europe Speaking Tour

The Europe Tour is developing with lectures now slated for Leeds, UK; Oslo, Norway and Paris, France. Other events in Finland, Norway, Portugal and the UK are in development. Highlighted dates indicate when Mr. Bassett will speak. All dates for each city are listed should someone want to schedule an additional side lecture while he is in town.  The current schedule:
Leeds, UK - September  26, 26, 28
Leeds Metropolitan University (Rose Bowl)
Contact:  Anthony Beckett
Paris, France - September 29, 30, October 1
Details Pending
Contact:  Denis Denocla
Oslo, Norway - October 9, 10, 11, 12 (there may be multiple dates)
Eldorado Bookstore
Eldoradogården AS, Torggt 9 a, 0181 Oslo
Contact:  Ryan Nichols
Please contact PRG at:   to discuss a possible venue.  Thanks.
Developments of Interest
The Hidden Hand Hits Netflix
 James Carman's excellent documentary has made its way on to Netflix.  Congratulations.
Canada Exopolitics Lecture - June 18

The efforts of the world-wide Extraterrestrial Disclosure movement will be discussed by Victor Viggiani, news director of the ZlandCommunications News Network, in what has been described as a 'controversial' approach to geo-politics. This lecture will take place at the Brentwood Public Library in Toronto Wednesday June 18th as part of the Thought Exchange Program.
Mr. Viggiani has covered and has been part of the ET Disclosure movement for 20 years. He hastraced the efforts of dozens of world-wide organizations seeking an end to the governmental and politicized secrecy, which has for over 65 years denied citizens of the planet access to the truth about the reality of the UFO phenomenon. 
During this lecture he will focus primarily on the hundreds of activists, journalists, researchers, astronauts, pilots, lawyers, Presidents and other political figures  who have initiated the remarkable and growing global movement to expose the truth behind the UFO cover-up. He will also examine the political implications of how full disclosure will influence global politics in a post-disclosure era. 
Jim Marrs in Toronto - June 22

Conspiracy Culture is sponsoring an appearance by Jim Marrs at the Bloor Street Cinema in Toronto, June 22, 1 pm to 3 pm ET.
Marrs has appeared on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Coast to Coast AM with George Noory as well as on a wide array of other radio programs. Canadian broadcaster Richard Syrett - host of The Conspiracy Show on AM 740 Radio each Sunday night at 11:00 pm ET - will interview Jim Marrs and moderate a Q&A.
Bob Lazar Interviewed by George Knapp
It is notable that Robert Lazar recently spoke publicly again after many years of avoiding the ET issues. He was interviewed by KLAS TV investigative reporter George Knapp on Coast to Coast AM, Sunday, May 25. Excerpts from this interview can be found HERE
The full interview with Lazar is archived at the Coast to Coast AM website.
45th MUFON Symposium - July 17-20 - Cherry Hill, NJ (near Philadelphia)
Conferences Upcoming

San Mateo, CA - June 28-29
Cherry Hill, NJ - July 18-20
Joshua Tree, CA -  Aug 8-10 
Portland, ME - Sept 5-7 
Leeds, UK - Sept 26-28
San Jose, CA - Oct 11-12
Pittsburgh, PA - Nov 8
PRG Projects
Congressional Hearing Initiative
UN Resolution Initiative
PRG Media Interview and Speaking Schedule (Stephen Bassett) - 2014
Upcoming Interviews - 2014
July 21 - 11 pm PST  Other World Radio

Upcoming Lectures/Panels 

MUFON International Symposium - Philadelphia, PA - July 17-20
Contact in the Desert - Joshua Tree, CA - August 8-10
Experiencers Speak Conference - Portland, ME - Sept 5-7
6th Annual British Exopolitics Expo - Leeds, UK - Sept. 26-28

Past 2014 Interviews [included as most are archived.]

April 18 - 6 pm PST  Paranormal and the Sacred Radio w/ Charylene McCaine
March 11 - 7:30 pm PST
February 20 - 5-7 pm PST Third Phase Moon w/ John Ilias
February 18 - Noon PST
February 16 - 5 pm PST
February 12 - 9 pm PST
January 28 - 8 pm PST
January 21 - 6:30 pm PST   
January 17 - 7 pm PST  
Jan 8 - 6:30 pm PST
Paradigm Research Group | (202) 215-8344 | | 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814

Copyright © 2013 Paradigm Research Group. All Rights Reserved.

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