Monday, June 17, 2013

Dr. Stephen Greer - June 15, 2013

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When Disclosure Serves Secrecy

This timely paper was written by Dr.Steven Greer in 1999 when he was about to brief the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)  Director.  If you are interested in Disclosure this is a "must read" as you need to know the potential of Disclosure : both the positive and the negative.
The opening paragraphs are below.
For the full thought provoking article click  here. 

When Disclosure Serves Secrecy:

Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound.
And yet it is fraught with danger.

The covert projects which have been running UFO related programs for nearly 60 years are not interested in a disclosure which upsets their apple cart. They want such a disclosure to transform their apple cart into a freight train. And they potentially have the power and connections to do it.

There are multiple scenarios attending the disclosure of the UFO subject- and not all of them have the best interests of humanity at heart. Elsewhere, in the [ ] book Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications  I write about the kind of disclosure the world needs. An honest one. An open one. One which replaces secrecy with democracy. A disclosure which is peaceful, scientific and hopeful.

But then there is the disclosure the powers that be would like to see: Manipulated. Calculated to consolidate power and engender fear. Configured in such a way that chaos and a deepening need for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into the masses.
We have seen the plans and it is not a pretty picture.

I write this as a warning. A warning that the wolves in sheep clothes are very cunning indeed. And have almost limitless resources. Most who work with them do not even know they are wolves. Indeed, it is likely that many of the wolves have been convinced that they are sheep.

The article continues here..

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